Year end is time for recaps. Time to ponder over the months passed by. As 2010, draws to a close, ever wondered who are top-earning CEOs of the decade? CEOs who over the years have been a constant in the highest paid corporate honchos listings. CEOs who in a decade marred by corporate bankruptcies, accounting scandals, dotcom bust and a severe recession, continued to command high salaries due to the value they bring to their organisations. This despite the severe investors scrutiny faced by these public companies.

I present to you a list of IT CEOS who retained their position in the highest-paid bracket over the past ten years. The list is based on a Wall Street Journal report that listed 25 highest-paid executives of the past decade across industries. Here's over to the highest-paid technology CEOs from the list.

1.Lawrence J Ellison, Oracle
Total realised compensation: $1,835.70 million

Salary: $6.70 million

Bonus: $41.60 million

Restricted stock: $0.00

Gains on options: $1,778.30 million

Other compensation: $9.10 million

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $316.64 million

2.Steve Jobs, Apple

Total realised compensation: $748.80 million

Salary: $0.00

Bonus: $45.80 million

Restricted stock: $646.60 million

Gains on options: $14.60 million

Other compensation: $41.80 million

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $1,171.00 million

3.Terry S Semel, Yahoo

Total realised compensation: $489.60 million

Salary: $2.80 million

Bonus: $0.90 million

Restricted stock: $0.00

Gains on options: $485.80 million

Other compensation: $0.10 million

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $278.69 million

4.Michael S Dell, Dell

Total realised compensation: $453.80 million

Salary: $9.70 million

Bonus: $9.00 million

Restricted stock: $0.00

Gains on options: $429.20 million

Other compensation: $5.90 million

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $33.56 million

5.George David, United Technologies

Total realised compensation: $447.80 million

Salary: $13.60 million

Bonus: $42.10 million

Restricted stock: $11.70 million

Gains on options: $357.10 million

Other compensation: $23.40 million

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $253.36 million

6.Irwin Mark Jacobs, Qualcomm

Total realised compensation: $436.80 million

Salary: $7.10 million

Bonus: $6.00 million

Restricted stock: $0.00

Gains on options: $419.50 million

Other compensation: $4.20 million

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $191.90 million

7.John T Chambers, Cisco Systems

John T Chambers, Cisco Systems
Total realised compensation: $393.20 million

Salary: $2.40 million

Bonus: $14.00 million

Restricted stock: $0.50 million

Gains on options: $376.20 million

Other compensation: $0.00

Return on $100 investment in company stock: $70.86 million


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