The history

Jews are all over the world diversified by their nationality and united by their caste. The history of the Jewish race is available from the ancient times since they are specified in the Holy Bible itself. These are the same people who were escaped from Egypt under Prophet Mosses. After plenty of years, Jesus was born and crucified by these people. Then by A.D 70, the Jews organised a protest against the roman emperor named Titus. Titus suppressed the revolution and killed most of the Jews and spattered the rest of the Jews from their country. Thus the Jews became a nation without land. The Jews immigrated to all parts of the world. The ancestors of the Mattanchery Jews belong to these immigrants. In course of time, Jews gathered strength all over the world due to their unbeatable wisdom and courage. They prospered in all aspects of the society all over the world. Their dominating power is irrepressible so that rest of the people became hostile with them. I will explain this section in detail later.

Then during the Second World War, i.e. 1938-1945 the British people became deprived of money for further warfare and was at the verge of defeat. At this time, the Zionist leader met the British Prime Minister Wilson Churchill. He put forward a condition that the Jewish community will support the British war against the allied forces and in return they should give back their original country ‘Israel’. Since Churchill had no other go, he agreed to do it and they won the war with the money of Jews. This war was funded by the American Jews. After the victory the British changed their stand and refused to give them land since the land was owned by the Arabs. Then after much discussion the whole country was bought for money like how we buy 10 cents or other here. Each inch land was purchased near the Palestine land and a new country was formed called ‘Israel’. Thus after 1850 years of refuge, they got their country back.

But, problems don’t end there. The land they got was a simply a desert with the whole border people are hostile against them. Then the Jewish community send all the poor Jews across the world to live in their country. All funding for buildings, industries and all was funded by the American Jews. Thus a nation was built.


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